Last week, I cleaned out the fridge and the pantry before we left on vacation. Which is always rewarding. But I was looking at it today, and it really needs some help.
When we first moved in, this closet only had the top two shelves and the broom hanging clamps. We added extra shelves, and it has worked out okay. But it could be so much better. So, I’m off to find a few items that will make our pantry a little prettier and a lot more functional. (I’d really like to not have to get my flour out of the ripped flour bag stuffed inside a plastic grocery bag. Really.)
So here is what I’m going to look for (click on the photos if you want more details)…
Truthfully, I’m not sure what I would use the berry baskets for, but they sure are cute!!
As soon as I get everything sorted out, I’ll post a photo of the finished product!!
Any tips or tricks from you guys on how to organize a pantry?